in figures

For us, “Transforming Land and Lives” is contributing so that our environment and our stakeholders capitalize to the maximum the benefits of our presence and agro-industrial activity. Transforming land and lives synthesizes our commitment to performance beyond financial results, involves making transparent our ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) indicators and practices.

$54 MM invested to develop new hectares and support the Company’s existing operations.

47% annual growth in sales, recognized as one of the 10 main agro-exporting companies of Peru
(Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation, 2021).

+15,000 decent jobs supporting the economic revitalization of the Lambayeque region and the improved living conditions of its people.

+30% increase in cultivated hectares, thanks to the high demand for our products in the markets of
Europe, the United States, Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin America.

Reduced our carbon footprint to 18.93 tons of CO2 eq per cultivated hectare, due to our usage of best practices that led to more efficient operations during 2021.

• Our companies, Arena Verde and Agrovision Peru, were certified under the Alliance Water Stewardship (AWS) international sustainable water management standard, one of the most valued standards by rating agencies worldwide.

• Thanks to the contribution of Arena Verde in forest preservation, we have approximately 4,010.90 tons of CO2 eq capable of offsetting the carbon footprint of our operations.

• Our preventive and corrective actions in occupational health and safety allowed us to reduce work accidents by 18%, even though the number of contracted personnel increased 38% vs. 2020.

• We participated in research projects with internationally acclaimed genetics houses, which reflects our good reputation and qualification as a Peruvian agro- export company.

• Committed to using clean energy, we have signed an MOU with the Spanish company, IGNIS, that will supply our Arena Verde and Agrovision Peru operations with green power.

• 3,750 families living in extreme poverty benefited from the donation of 1,370 m3 of potable water in during the COVID-19 pandemic.

14,980 units of medicine and protective medical equipment donated to Morrope’s people and health center.

45% of our payroll is made up of women, providing jobs and development opportunities to this
vulnerable population with the goal of contributing to gender equality in the country.