The Business of Blueberries Podcast: Global Market Opportunities With Steve Magami

In this episode of “The Business of Blueberries,” host Kasey Cronquist, president of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council ( (USHBC)) and the North American Blueberry Council ( (NABC)), is joined by Steve Magami, co-founder and chairman of (Agrovision).

Agrovision is a vertically integrated grower, packer, shipper and marketer of blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and table grapes from Peru, Mexico, and Morocco. Magami discusses how Agrovision views the global opportunities in blueberries and shares his thoughts on where the industry is headed.

“We see untapped growth potential globally. And what I mean by that is even in the most developed market in the U.S., we see a huge amount of potential to reach the level of consumption of, for example, strawberries, which is still multiples of the level of consumption of what we see in blueberries per person per capita. So I think there’s room there in terms of penetration and consumption. And then when you look to markets that are just taking off – I mean France is just taking off – Asia. We see what feels like unlimited growth potential, again, for the right product.” – Steve Magami

Topics covered include:

Getting to know Magami, co-founder and chair of Agrovision.

An exploration of the opportunities and trajectories in the global blueberry market.

Agrovision and The Fruitist’s market share, and what they bring to the blueberry industry.

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Crop Report

The Blueberry Crop Report is an update on crop conditions and markets throughout important blueberry growing areas. Today you’ll hear from Luis Vegas in Peru and Mario Ramirez in Mexico. This was recorded on October 5, 2022.

Listen to the full episode here.

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